9. 6. 2011, 22:48APERION ON METAL WITCHDon't miss our almost traditional concert on Viè in Ljubljana! Brezno, Necrotic, Shanti Nilaya and APERION! 30. 5. 2011, 22:06BAND APERION ON A DVD OF SONIC SEDUCER MAGAZINEGerman MAGAZINE Sonic Seducer posted video for song Ü on DVD. In actual number you can read an interview too. Get your copy now! 5. 4. 2011, 21:41PRESENT FOR OUR FANSWe have a little present for you. You can download our first single Fairytale mind from Act of Hybris. 23. 3. 2011, 22:08HOW TO WINN A FREE TICKET FOR A CONCERT?If you want to winn a free ticket, publish this event on your FB wall and send us link of your FB homepage, to proove your cooperation.
We will let you know about your winning ticket on tuesday.
22. 3. 2011, 20:55APERION ON THE COVER OF THE TURKISH MAGAZINEThe Band Aperion was on the cover of the february edition of Turkish
END OF THE ROAD MAGAZINE.You can read the review in english on...You
can also buy the magazine till the 30th of march while the new edition
of the magazine will be available from the 31st of march. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Back to news. |